Street Level Jesus


Street Level Jesus 1010
Street Level Jesus 1010, is the Media ministry of Douglas G. West. It has gone through several changes over the years: Righteous Visuals/ P246/ Anchor Monkey/ Street Level Jesus/ Anchored on 1010/ Street Level Jesus 1010.
Though largely an outlet to publish Doug's books, during the P246 phase, Doug partnered with friend James Lovaas, to publish children's books for two other parties, which including artwork by Doug. P246 stood for Psalm 24:6 "This is the generation of those who seek Him, Who seek Your face..." (NASB).
Doug West, was born in South Texas into a missionary pastor's home. Though raised in Christianity, Doug drifted away and followed the path of the dark occult at a heart level. This was largely hidden but did manifest through art and music. More of this story can be found on the Testimony page of this site. Doug has pastored churches in the Mid-West, beginning in College in 1993 and continuing to the First Church of the Nazarene in Dexter, Missouri currently.